recent purchases

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

ANA sweater, random black pants, ASOS boots, vintage bracelet, Style & Co. watch

I almost successfully avoided the sales but they continued on today, which resulted in a new watch and sweater. Oh yes, a pair of shoes too but those are on their way in the mail. I, like many others, fell for that Micheal Kors watch but realistically it isn't what I should be spending. I found this Style & Co. watch for around $30 at JC Penneys. The face isn't as big but I'm okay with that. In my last post someone asked me where I got my ring... it came from a local tattoo shop here. I bought it for next to nothing! I really don't like how I can't just click respond to a comment, so if you want to ask me something with a quick response you can ask me at my formspring.


  1. i love your sweater. ive been trying to find a similar one but still no sweater for me :( You look goooooood though ;)

  2. I like your bracelet! It's really cool!! It is ok to invest in worthwhile items =D


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